Rose & Reid
Tell us a Lover's Tale

Long, long ago, back in 2017 Kelly came to visit some friends in Portland, Oregon for a Radiohead concert. Thaddeus, being a mutual friend, came along and quickly wooed Kelly's heart by holding her pinky finger and promising her a dance. The awkward gesture earned him a follow-up invitation to join the company of friends on a trip to the beach at Oswald West State Park. The two found themselves deep in conversation as they walked mile after mile, barefoot along a muddy coastal trail. Needless to say, by the trips end it was very clear that love was in the air and something special was brewing.
Nearly six years later and deeply in love, the two have had countess adventures together.
Getting Engaged... twice!
After traveling the country in a their camper van for nearly two years (with Wizard and Bodhi dog), both of them started scheming on a way to ask the other to marry them. Kelly was secretly planning to ask Thaddeus on a climb they wanted to do while visiting Sedona. She even got a ring! Meanwhile, Thaddeus had his own plan. He popped the question on top of Hawksbill Mountain where Kelly answered, "You beat me!" Because clearly proposing is a competition...

With Bodhi's strong approval (lots of enthusiastic and spontaneous barks of excitement, right on cue!) Kelly said, "YESSSSS!!!".

And to her joy she got to profess her love a month later and follow through with her plan. Thaddeus got his proposal.

Black Mountain
After some time being back in Thaddeus' hometown -- Black Mountain, North Carolina -- they bought a house together and have made a little nest. Kelly's bodywork and somatics practice (Wild Rose Bodywork) is booming in the heart of town. And Thaddeus landed a new gig as a Lead Software Engineer builiding web-applications for Fire Departments (Stationwise). Nearby Pisgah National Forest holds ample adventures to have year round. And what's more, old friends have started to move to the area and new friends keep popping up in town. Who else what's to join? Rose & Reid couldn't be happier and are counting their blessings!